Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 Proven Methods to Building Traffic

5 Proven Methods to Building Traffic

As the internet age advances, more and more businesses are finding new life online. The potential benefits of such a venture are great as the internet allows for access to millions of possible customers across the globe. The startup costs tend to be lower as many entrepreneurs run their online businesses from home. Unlike a physical store or office, online businesses are usually open 24hrs a day, everyday. That's the good news. The bad news is that the success rate for startup online businesses is about 10% as 9 out of 10 online businesses simply don't work. Getting Traffic to your site can be the most difficult of tasks. There you are eager and ready, your website looks great, your merchandise or service is ready and the future seems bright. So how do you get people to come to your site? The following will give you 5 methods that will help steer you in the correct direction.

1. Search Optimization
Search optimization is the method used to allow for your website to be ranked higher as a result of a search for specific keywords or phrases by a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. Businesses will target certain keywords that are relevant to their content and place them on the homepage and/or other pages on their site. As an example we can look at the online retailer, They optimize words such as "silver jewelry" or "men's ring", etc. When Google receives a request for one of these key words will come up in the search results. It is, however, not as easy as this. Your site may show up on page 100 buried deep within the search result listings. In order to get listed higher more work has to be done, as described in this Article. Also, the act of optimizing a site requires some knowledge of HTML which is the basic language with which websites are built. You can use an HTML editor such Dreamweaver or Frontpage to add keywords to the pages which you are optimizing.

2. Linking Strategy
Websites often reserve an area of their site dedicated to links. The page usually consists of categorized links pointing to other recommended sites. Usually, websites will exchange links for mutual benefit. The more links you have pointing to your site, the better. Links to your site(inbound) show the search engines that your site has value. The best way to go about this process is to establish good content on your site and begin targeting websites you would link to exchange links with. You can buy software to help you do this or you can manually send out link exchange invitations via email.


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3. Pay Per Click
The fastest way to get Traffic is through pay-per-click advertising. Essentially, every time a web surfer clicks on an ad of your creation, you will pay. The price can range from 25 cents to $2 per click depending on the popularity of the keyword or phrases you've chosen. Basically, your ad will pop up in an area designated for paid ads once the keyword has been searched. It is important that you understand the correct keywords for your Business in order to avoid paying unnecessary fees for irrelevant keywords. The most effective and popular of the pay per click ad sponsors are Google and Overture. You can also use shopping malls such as, or to advertise via pay-per-click. Make sure to set your budget and monitor the results carefully making adjustments as you go along. Pay-per-click can be unreasonably expensive if not managed carefully.

4. Affiliates
Affiliates are companies, individuals and organizations that you have established business relationships with in order to increase your exposure and sales revenue. Affiliates send traffic to your site via a link representing your business on their site. If the prospective customer should buy from you the affiliate gets a commission from the transaction. In order to use affiliates you are required to register with an affiliate program and begin recruiting affiliates to work for you. Offering a handsome commission can attract affiliates to sign up. Having a professional website that will be easy for them integrate with their own site can also peak the interests of potential affiliates. Always treat your affiliates well, paying them on time and communicating with them on a regular basis.

5. Offline Advertising
An often neglected part of marketing online businesses, offline advertising, can be an effective means by which to bring in new customers and Create "word of mouth" interest in your site. Ads in magazines, newspapers, tv, radio and local publications are some of the ways through which you can Promote your business. Passing out flyers or sending out postcards can also result in new business, especially if you are offering a discount in the form of an exclusive coupon code. Be creative in trying to promote your business on a grass roots level. Read books such as "Guerilla Marketing" by Jay Levinson to gain insight on how to go about marketing in a cost effective manner.

In conclusion, succeeding online can be difficult but rewarding. If you use these methods to help you in your research and application of a business and marketing strategy, along with sacrificing time and putting forth a strong effort there is a good chance that you will be successful with your online business.

7 Inexpensive Ways To Generate Traffic

7 Inexpensive Ways To Generate Traffic

Whether you joined a multilevel Marketing (MLM) organization or you are trying to Promote an affiliate link, you need Traffic. But maybe you are on a tight advertising budget. There are many ways to generate Traffic, but this Article will discuss 7 inexpensive ways to generate traffic. Some of these techniques are free and some cost a little money. One will actually pay you back for the money you spend.

The first technique is the easiest and simplest way to generate traffic and it is free. Put your link in your email signature. Email signatures are not intrusive to the receiver. If you do not know exactly what you want to put in your signature, do a Search on the internet for email signature examples. Once you have your email signature ready, go under your options and set it to automatically appear at the bottom of your email. Now every time you send an email, your links will be displayed.

The second way to generate inexpensive traffic is through banner link exchange. There are thousand of banner exchange sites on the Internet. You would join up with the banner exchanges. You would enter you banner link and receive code to put other's banner links on your site. This technique will only work if you have your own site to display the banner. Free banner exchange can be a great way to get your affiliate link out to a fresh Targeted group of consumers.

The third way to generate inexpensive traffic is to join a manual surf site. These are websites where you get to display your site in exchange for you looking at someone else's site for 15-20 seconds. You are paid to manual surf other's sites with credits. You exchange these credits for visits to your site. Two really good manual surf sites are Traffic Swarm and TS25. You can join the sites for free and surf. If you do not have the time, you can buy credits. If you have some time on your hands, this is a very good technique for generating inexpensive traffic.

The fourth technique for generating inexpensive traffic is joining an autosurf site. This technique will cost you money, but will pay you to autosurf other's sites. This is a little risky way to gain traffic. There are thousands upon thousands of these sites. You have to do your due diligence when deciding which ones to join. Find an autosurf monitor and see how the autosurf site ranks.

Autosurfs are all different in there structures and payouts. You buy ad units and you will be required to view a certain amount of other's sites daily. Now you earn a percentage of money each day by autosurfing the subscribe amount of sites. At the end of a subscribe time limit, you get to cash out. You also can get paid autosurf traffic by buying advertising space on the site. This advertisement will display at the top of the autosurf site. Just to warn you again, this can be a little risky. You have to do your due diligence when deciding by use some of the autosurf monitor sites out on the Internet.

The fifth technique for gaining inexpensive generated traffic is by joining some topic specific forums. This is a great way to meet and Learn from others. You generate traffic by putting your links in your signature box. Now, the thing you need to remember is not to just post messaging in the forums promoting your opportunity. This is called spamming and will be quickly removed by forum moderators. You passively promote your Business opportunity by adding meaning content to the topic being discussed. Others will see your links in the signature box and visit your site if interested. Join 3 or 4 forums and make entry in each on a daily basis. Before long, your site will be getting extra exposure at no cost except for the time needed to post.

The sixth technique for generating inexpensive traffic is blogging. Blog is short for Web Log. Blogging is publishing your thoughts or interest through an electronic medium. You can get a free account at Set you up an account. You are allowed to have multiple blogs. Use you blog to publish things about your product or service. Then use or These two websites will let other blogging services that you have updated your sites. On your blog, promote your links. Keep your content update and fresh.


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The last technique is writing articles. This is a great inexpensive traffic generator. Article writing can be fun and interesting. You may think that you cannot do this, but you can. This is probably one of the best form of advertising your product or service. You promote your product or service by putting your links at the bottom of your articles in the resource box. The resource box is like an email signature box. If you are having problems writing the articles, do a Search for article writing software. This will help your writing experience easier. Now just remember that this will be a slow process, unless you just turn out article after article. When your articles are ready, submit to some of the ezine directories.

There are many ways to generate traffic. Some cost lots of money, some are inexpensive. Using the 7 techniques discussed in the article will allow you to generate inexpensive traffic. Email signature, banner exchange, manual and autosurfing sites, writing in forum, publishing a blog, and writing articles are all good inexpensive techniques. Visit my blog (link in resource box) to see some of these techniques in action.

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